So, I have starting to write blog. There are two special hungarian miniaturist, whose showed me, that it is possible to raise more children, to create miniatures, and to write a blog in the same time. ( ( ) Thanks for it.
Sorry if my english not too god, but I didn't use my knowledge, since three years. I hope, it will be understandable.

Sorry if my english not too god, but I didn't use my knowledge, since three years. I hope, it will be understandable.
At first I would like to introduce, the first resident of my expectant dollhouse, Miss Lora. She is my first doll, whom I show anybody. I worked many hours on the face, and I think it is not too bad, but the next will be better.
These two babies were made a little bit earlier. I wached since months the foregin websites about miniature baby dolls, and I decided to make my own. It is not perfect, but I like it. I think, her face is so elfish.